Wellness Is a Priority and Not a Privilege

By Rubicon Author August 22, 2022

by Adriana Ponce-Matteucci

If your health is your wealth, then the best thing you can do is invest in your wellness. When it comes to wellness we can think of so many reasons why we don’t practice it on a regular basis. We tell ourselves that we don’t have time, energy, space, resources—and anything else we can think of—so we don’t make the time or effort. But the truth is that the benefits of practicing wellness outweigh our excuses. That’s why I believe in the power of a positive mindset. Positive thinking doesn't mean that you ignore life's less pleasant situations. It means that you approach life’s unpleasant or difficult moments in a more positive and productive way.

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide are:

  • Increased life span and stronger immune system
  • Lower rates of depression, levels of distress, and pain
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and stroke
  • Reduced risk of death from cancer, respiratory conditions, and infections
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

If you are someone who looks at the glass and says “It’s half empty,” you can learn to turn negative thinking into positive thinking and say “It’s half full.” The following are some tips for increasing your positive thoughts:  

  • Check yourself. Periodically during the day, stop and evaluate what you're thinking. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, try to find a way to put a positive spin on them.
  • Practice positive self-talk. Start by following one simple rule: Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to a loved one. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. If a negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally and respond with affirmations of what is good about you. Think about things you're thankful for in your life
  • Be open to humor. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel less stressed.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle. Aim to exercise for about 30 minutes on most days of the week. You can also break it up into 5- or 10-minute chunks of time during the day. Exercise can positively affect mood and reduce stress. Follow a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body. Get enough sleep. And learn techniques to manage stress.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure those in your life are positive, supportive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback. Negative people may increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways.

Wellness is a priority and not a privilege because when you finally realize you have put it off for too long, it’s usually too late. Also, at Rubicon we believe in the importance of wellness so much that it is a pillar of our model. When we tell others to take their breaks and not work 12 hours a day, we ask our staff to lead by example and do the same. Wellness or self-care is a universal need, and putting yourself first is not selfish. Focusing on all eight dimensions of wellness—physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, environmental, occupational, and financial—will help you improve the quality of your life, your health, and potentially extend your lifespan. Wellness is something we should practice every day. If you take the time to practice one wellness act a day, it might help keep the doctor away.  
